Ilham or Inspire

Behind him will be scholars – story of Mu’adh (ra) for my children

Our halaqah at the masjid last night was about Mu’adh ibn Jabal (ra). I was super eager to attend because I think the last time I read about this sahabi was when I was a nineteen year old, so many moons have since passed and I was looking forward to a refresher of his life – it was better than I remembered, our imam did a brilliant job of telling Mu’adh’s (ra) life. It was like we travelled back in time and took steps in Medina with the sahabi himself – seeing, feeling and believing with him.

All through the halaqah, I made notes and I watched my ameer do the same – we later compared our notes and realised we specifically included certain parts of his (ra) life in our note taking – which isn’t normal for us, as the ameer likes historical details and I like the personal touches to a narration.

I listened to this amazing person’s life and felt overwhelmed with joy knowing this was a young man who loved the Prophet ﷺ in a way we just can’t feel and I ashamedly think we will never really know.

I feel I’ve taken away things that will grow within our home overtime, it won’t be changes I envisage happening over night – I feel they will be things I tell my children about as they grow up and make dua to Allah that my children can share a slither of the same love Mu’adh (ra) had for the Prophet ﷺ and Allah.

This amazing sahabi, who scholars referred to as the shadow of the Prophetﷺ embraced Islam at the age of 18 – he was amongst the four outstanding people who had memorised the Quran during the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ. When talking about Mu’adh the Prophet ﷺ said: “He is the greatest of scholars of my Ummah, if you want to know what is halal and what is haram, ask Mu’adh. On the Day of Judgement, Mu’adh will be leading all the scholars of the Ummah – they will all walk behind him” (paraphrased). I made these notes and started to visualise this amazing narration and realised that these are things I want to share with my children. Not because they make good stories, but because these are real “fairy” tales, only thing is that they are better than fairy tales – they are things that have happened and will happen, and the only ones blessed enough to witness this happening will be those that believe and live with Iman.

Historians say Mu’adh (ra) was a very handsome man with striking appearance and a very wide smile and people said when he spoke it was like pearls were dropping out of his mouth. I’m glad the imam included these details, because sometimes in talking about the brilliance of the companions we forget that they were living beings like us, so I’ll definitely be using this to talk to my children about smiling or speaking beautifully with others and say “talk like Mu’adh (ra), make your speech as beautiful as pearls.” Or “make that smile as wide as Mu’adh’s (ra) smile.” 😀

image1-6.jpegWhy do I keep talking about telling my children, when I first need to remember this great sahabi’s life, so I can change myself? Because when we want good for our children, we make an effort to make changes within ourselves.

Another story that I’m actually going to share with my daughter tonight before bed, was when Mu’adh (ra) made a ring for himself to use as a stamp when signing of letters he would write to other communities and regions. Some of these documents would get tampered with, so Mu’adh (ra) in his wisdom, made a ring and etched onto it ‘Muhammad rasulAllah’ and would stamp and seal letters using the ring. When the Prophet ﷺ saw this ring and asked about it, Mu’adh (ra) told him of its job, the Prophet ﷺ said: “Every single part of Mu’adh has embraced Islam, even his ring has.” I liked hearing this so much, I made a little smiley face next to my notes on this. I’ll be telling my daughter about the ring and how Mu’adh (ra) didn’t put his own name down on ring, but instead honoured the Prophet ﷺ.

I’ve realised I’ve written a very long post, so i’ll only share two other parts (because there’s lots to share) from the halaqah that touched my heart and soul and from which we can all benefit. The first is the famous narration of the Prophet’s ﷺ declaration of love to Mu’adh and sharing of a much recited dua. The prophet ﷺ held Mu’adh’s hands and said:

“Mu’adh, by Allah indeed I love you, and I advise you, O Mu’adh, do not forget at the end of every prayer to say:
Allaahumma a’inni ‘ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ‘ibaaditika”

(O Allah, help me to remember You, give thanks to You and worship You in the best way) (Ahmad and others)

The imam reminded us to not leave this dua out of our lives and salah now, now that we know the significance of its origin, how it was a token of the Prophet’s ﷺ love for Mu’adh (ra) – and yes I’ll be telling my kids and actually reminding myself about this too, because the best gift we can give our loved ones are not chocolate, flowers, cars or that “much needed” holiday but DUAS!

And lastly I will share with you the part of Mu’adh’s life that made my eyes water, when I had to keep myself composed and imagined how much the Prophet ﷺ and Mu’adh (ra) loved each other for the sake of Allah. The Prophet ﷺ appointed Mu’adh (ra) to travel to Yemen, and as our imam put it, this was because Mu’adh (ra) came to become the “freelance” scholar during the time of Prophet. The Prophet himself walked Mu’adh all the way to the outskirts of Medinah for this trip, he walked and Mu’adh (ra) rode on an animal. Mu’adh (ra) insisted that the Prophet rode on the animal and he walk instead, but the Prophet didn’t listen to his plea and instead continued to walk. As they reached the outskirts of Medinah, the Prophet ﷺ couldn’t keep it to himself, and told Mu’adh (ra) that there was a great possibility that when Mu’adh would return back to Medinah, he won’t find him ﷺ but instead find his grave. At this, Mu’adh (ra) started to weep and cry like a child, the Prophet ﷺ comforted him with words, that I feel we all need to remember and tell ourselves in moments of despair. The Prophet ﷺ told Mu’adh (ra): Those who will be close to me on the Day of Judgement, will be those who have Taqwa. So, have Taqwa Mu’aadh and you and I will be close. (Paraphrased from the imam’s words)

This, my sisters is a tiny snippet of what I came away with last night. It isn’t something that should remain within my notebook, and definitely isn’t something that is written for the purpose of a blog post only, but this is something that I need to make a part of myself, my home and InshaAllah a part of my children’s lives, because these lives aren’t mere stories for us to enjoy but for us to learn from, for us to look up to, to know what awaits us, when we leave this Dunya, just as the one from this story did, Mu’adh (ra) can become the scholar my children follow.


He got the qiblah wrong even at the masjid – so to learn about the likes of Muadh ibn Jabal (ra) will take time – inshaAllah baby steps with mummy.

14 thoughts on “Behind him will be scholars – story of Mu’adh (ra) for my children”

  1. I learn so much from your Facebook page Alhamdulliah. You are the reason my babies go to sleep listening to Surah Al Mulk and it will probably be the first Surah the baby will know by heart after the 4 Quls Inshallah. If you could write more posts like this about the Sahaba we can all learn alot .

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Those who will be close to me on the Day of Judgement, will be those who have Taqwa. So, have Taqwa Mu’aadh and you and I will be close…”
    A great reminder for us when we yearn to meet the prophet and be close to him, but fail to emulate him…

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Asalam alaiykum dear sister

    I pray you ate in the best of health and strongest of Emaan. Aameen

    ok here goes……so I’ve been following your Facebook page for sometime now and feel very inspired by reading your page.

    The reason I am messaging you is I’m very concerned about my islam.


  4. Beautifuly written sis, really enjoyed the recap of this story with lots of new pearls to take in. I love the dua you mentioned and Alhamdulillah I recite it every time after salah.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love this post so much. Jazakillah khair for sharing it, may Allah bless you and your children and grant us all the ability to teach out children and to be the best of role models for them, Ameen


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